Thursday, December 01, 2011

Review: Nero Gima - The Curse of Nero Gima

Artist Name: Nero Gima
Name of track: Dextromethorphan
Album/Mixtape:The Curse Of Nero
Release Date: August 1, 2011
Instrumental Credits: Nero Gima

19 year old producer from the Bronx, NY, student at Stony Brook University. Trying to successfully balance school and music. My goal is to introduce alternative hip hop with soul to the music industry. Very reminiscent of Kanye West, Madlib, J Dilla, The Alchemist, Apollo Borwn, but with his own original flair mixed in. 


The beats on this mixtape definitely carry an essence of old school hip hop and exhibit great potential from this upcoming producer. However the beats tend to get very repetitive and at times sound empty, this could be due to mixing problems. Another problem I noticed was that the beats didn't show much variety and sounded very similar for the most part, this could be fixed by experimenting with different styles to avoid sounding monotonous. Apart from that, with a little bit of polishing and a few more added sounds, Nero Gima's future beats will surely be something to look out for.

Favourite Track: Analog

Overall Rating: 3.5/5 


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