Saturday, February 25, 2012

Influential Songs: Have Your Story Featured on Oh.Globe!

Hello devoted readers, I'm Sam and I recently I acquired a writing job here on Oh.Globe.  I am interested in sharing how Hip-Hop has affected me, and I want to know how it has affected you guys, the Oh.Globe readers.  I really want to bring some of you guys into the spotlight.  My first idea is to have contributions from the Oh.Globe audience on a track that has influenced them personally.

The track I will pick is "Music Music" by Eyedea and Abilities. Eyedea and Abilities assisted in getting me into hip-hop because they showed me how beautiful this music can be. "Music Music" was one of the songs that got me through a very hard time; to me the song is about real beauty, and what it takes to make something beautiful. It taught me that there are things in life more important than schoolwork, or work in general. Real beauty comes through music, writing, and anything else that allows us to get a glimpse into another person's mind. This song encouraged me to follow my dreams to try and be a writer. It showed me that we can all appreciate something other than the money people have in their bank accounts. I heard this song at a point in my life where I needed real inspiration, this song played a huge role in my life.

So that was my pick, what's yours? Email me at with your song choice and a brief explanation of how the song influenced you, and why it is important to you. I will look through all of the contributions and pick my favorite one to post in a week or two after i have had a few come in. Please contribute and comment, we should be a community here at Oh Globe.


Wiz said...

I can't really think of any song right now, but I just wanna say welcome to the team!

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