Me: Introduce yourself to the masses who might not know who you are just yet. What do you bring to the table?
Curry: Well... shit my name is Denzel Curry AKA Raven Miyagi or Aquarius'Killa. I'm a part of the rap collective RVIDXR KLVN and don't expect anything to the table. Expect the unexpected.
Me: What does the "Aquarius'Killa" part of your name come from/stand for?
Curry: I was born in Feb 16 on 1995 which makes me an Aquarius, the Killa part comes in cuz I kill any beat. I get speaking on subjects [such] as murder and etc.because this shit is real where I'm from.
Me: How many total mixtapes/albums do you have out?
Curry: 2. Next question.
Me: I'm a huge fan of Goodie Mob, so when I heard you going in over the "Black Ice" beat I had it on repeat for a long while. That's probably my favorite song from you.
Curry: Respects to you and Dungeon Family.
Me: Most people see RVIDXR KLVN and only think SpaceGhostPurrp, if anything at all. Is 2012 more about getting the whole KLVN noticed for you guys?
Curry: Most likely yes because we are getting recognition from our big bro SpaceGhostPurrp and bloggin' sites like Mishka ,Fader, Steady Bloggin , Cracked Atoms, etc.
Me: How many members of RVIDXR KLVN are there approximately?
Curry: I'm not gonna count because I don't wanna miss no one but it's many.
Me: Is SGP's 4AD debut
going to feature a ton of you guys? With such a high profile label handling it,
it could be huge for you guys.
Curry: I hope we are featured on his debut album. Even if we not featured, there will be many albums by him and us to come when we all can be together.
Curry: Yes. We did RVIDXR KLVN records.
Me: A lot of RVIDXR KLVN members and affiliates have already dropped mixtapes and albums in 2012. Do you have a personal favorite out of any of them (besides yours of course)?
Curry: Mink Rug by Metro Zu,G Funk Resurrection by Yung Simmie,The History of Dough Dough by Dough Dough da Don,God of Black by SpaceGhostPurrp, 1996 by Mike Dece , 1994 EP by Amber London , The Wolf Gang's Rodolphe by ETHELWULF, H.O.E: Hell on Earth by Chri$ Travi$, PRXPXR BXYZ by Proper Boyz, Thug Isolation by Lil Ugly Mane, Ill Life by J.K. the Rapper.
Me: We know old school Prophet Entertainment/Hypnotize Minds is a huge influence on your music but what native Florida acts have had significant influence as well?
Curry: Trick Daddy, Uncle Luke, Uncle Al, Gunplay of Triple C's, JT Money, and Poison Clan. They are some of my main influences from Florida.
Me: Any word on a RVIDXR KLVN album? You guys should do a mixtape going over DJ Paul/Juicy J beats.
Curry: The RVIDXR KLVN tape will be on its way when things is good and ready and we going to have our own beats... I mean I respect the old school Three Six style but that was them and it's our era now.
Me: When are we getting a whole RVIDXR KLVN tour? When you guys decide to do one, you better come to Chicago!
Curry: I honestly don't know but when Purrp gives us the word you will know. For now we are holding it down in our home towns.
Me: How would you feel if I told you the Bulls are going to rape the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals and win the whole thing?
Curry: And I would say I raped your mom and hid her body in the closet.
Me: One thing that is evident with you guys is you all have a pretty good fashion sense. What is THE shoe for Spring 2012?
Curry: Fuck fashion I wear things I'm comfortable with.
Me: What should the people be on the look out for in the rest of 2012 in regards to Denzel Curry? Any cool collaborations in the works?
Curry: Well look out for music videos. I'm not releasing anything from my vault until I do succesful music videos with samurai swords, blood, and pistols. Sorta like Kill Bill.
Me: If someone were to ask you "Who the hell is Denzel Aquarius'Killa CuRRy?", what would you respond with?
Curry: Eat a sack of baby dicks and download my tape
Me: Thanks for your time man and know that everything you come out with has a 2nd home here at Oh.Globe. 2012 is yours to take!
Curry: May the force be with you bruh bruh!!!!
You can stream Denzel Aquarius'Killa CuRRy's first mixtape below or download it here.
Im affiliated with the Klvn Hit me up for interviews
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