<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RSX1_FxXTiA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Canibus vs Dizaster in a rap battle sounds crazy, right? What's even more nuts is that it's happening in California on the 9th of June, get this, in the King Of The Dot battling company. King Of The Dot for those that don't know is one of the most popular battling companies out there right now, but until now all of their battles have taken place in Canada. Their American counterpart (that they aren't directly associated with) is Grind Time. Well recently KOTD has been succeeding at doing the things Grind Time has failed miserably at such as actually having the highly anticipated Dizaster vs DNA battle and now the Dizaster vs Canibus battle. Previous Grind Time general manager "Lush One" is going to be one of the heads of the new "Fresh Coast" division in King Of The Dot so it seems like he's taking the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" route.
The story behind the battle is simple. Grind Time, back when they were on top, tried to house a Dizaster vs Canibus battle. Things somehow fell through and Canibus decided Dizaster was beneath him and said so in a recent song. King Of The Dot decided that they could salvage Grind Time's idea and make the battle happen and approached Canibus about the terms of the battle and with Dizaster's recent surge in popularity he accepted.
Not everything about the battle has been revealed and we'll update information as we get it. Right now what we do know that it will take place June 9th, the battle will be judged, and it will be unlimited. It is unclear if each round will be unlimited or if just the last round will be unlimited like in the DNA vs Dizaster battle. If all of the rounds are unlimited then this has a very high chance of being the longest battle ever with both MCs being capable of putting out a lot of bars. Right now the longest recorded battle is a little over an hour long featuring none other than Dizaster himself and DNA.
This battle could do a lot not only for the rappers involved, but for King Of The Dot. With Canibus' status and the formation of this new league they could quite possibly become the most watched battling company toppling SMACK/URL. This could also be the spark needed to get more rappers involved in the battling community. This even leads to the possibility of Canibus vs Mad Child or Mac Lethal with both of them showing interest in battling in King Of The Dot.
Although we will post the video when it is released by King Of The Dot, we will not post videos uploaded by third parties. If you want to see the battle before it is uploaded on youtube by KOTD either attend the event live or purchase the pay-per-view from ustream. KOTD uploads their videos quickly so footage should hit youtube a week after the battle.
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